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  • Writer's pictureDag Jenkins

Lazio survive Lombard battle

Game 29, Serie A

Sunday, April 19, 1964

Stadio Danilo Martelli, Mantua

Mantova Lazio 0-0

An early Morrone injury limits Lazio but they hold on and with a dose of luck clinch a point

Source Wikipedia

Lazio were currently joint 10th with Roma, but only four points above the relegation zone.

 A delicate game today.


The match

A cloudy and extremely windy day saw about 10,000 spectators turn out. Lazio would start with the wind behind them.


Mantova had four players back from injury: Beniamino Cancian, Italo Mazzero, Gigi Simoni and Torbjörn Jonsson. Lazio meanwhile had Mario Maraschi suspended plus Paolo Carosi and Bruno Mazzia out injured, but had Massimo Giacomini and Vincenzo Gasperi back after periods of absence.


The first shot at goal was by the Virgiliani home side by Carlo Volpi, but Idilio Cei dived low and saved. Lazio responded with a Juan Carlos Morrone free kick but Dino Zoff saved comfortably.


In the 10th minute Lazio suffered a setback as Morrone injured his groin, he soldiered on but was limited in his movements from then on.


The hosts attacked more, but only had a Simoni effort blocked by Cei in the 21st minute. The game then went quiet but revived towards the end of the half.


Mantova had another Simoni shot denied by Cei and then Ugo Tomeazzi had a strike go just wide. In the 43rd minute Lazio stirred and a Giacomini shot went all along the goal line without Orlando Rozzoni managing to get a foot to it. Half time: Mantova 0 Lazio 0.


In the second period the Biancorossi were with the wind in their favour and pushed forward.


In the 46th minute Nello Governato deflected a Mazzero shot onto the post and Mazzero again a few minutes later hit a crossbar with a long-range effort.


Mantova surged forward helped both by the wind and by the fact that Lazio were practically in ten men. Cei was busy on two Simoni shots and then an Ettore Recagni strike.


The home side even pushed defender Karl-Heinz Schnellinger up front as an extra forward. Lorenzo responded by placing Alberto Mari on the German.


Lazio dug deep and defended heroically. The last chance fell to Schnellinger but Mari saved the day with a last-ditch tackle. Final score: Mantova 0 Lazio 0.


Lazio came out with a hard-fought point, helped by a fair dose of luck. Mantova had deserved to win but had not been able to exploit Lazio virtually playing in ten and in turn unfortunate with their numerous chances, including a post and a crossbar.


Lazio were still joint 10th, now with Catania and still with a four-point cushion on the B zone. Mantova were now joint 12th, with Genoa and still two points above the relegation area.


Who played for Mantova

Zoff, Morganti, Schnellinger, Mazzero, Pini, Cancian, Simoni, Jonsson, Tomeazzi, Volpi, Recagni

Manager: Bonizzoni


Who played for Lazio

Manager: Lorenzo


Referee: Angelini




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